Tahitian Pearl Basics

Kamoka is a Tahitian pearl farm and thus all of our pearls are Tahitian.
1. Tahitian pearls are sometimes called “black pearls” although in reality their colors range from white to darkest midnight and the entire rainbow in between.
2. Colors of Tahitian pearls are naturally occurring from the shell of the Pinctada margaritifera oyster.
3. Nearly all Tahitian pearls are cultured, meaning they have been made by a technician inserting a nucleus into an oyster in a process called a graft.
4. Tahitian keshi pearls are non-nucleated pearls and are formed from a failed grafting operation.
5. The average size range of Tahitian pearls is 8 to 12mm and keshi pearls from 2 to 8mm. Pearl value increases with size, which can reach over 20mm!
6. Tahitian pearls come in a range of shapes. In industry standards, rounds only make up 25% of the harvest. Tahitian keshi pearls are very rarely perfectly round.
7. Round and drop shaped pearls are the most valuable while circled (ringed) pearls are the least expensive. In between are semi-baroque shapes that have a single axis of symmetry.
8. A lustrous surface (deep shine) that can resemble looking into a pool of water, is a coveted feature of Tahitian pearls and increases their value.
9. We don’t have to kill the oysters to harvest the pearls. Instead, a new nucleus replaces the pearl, and the oyster is returned to the lagoon to thrive and grow.